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  • Writer's pictureMatilda

Hospital Bag Essentials

I think I must have unpacked and repacked my hospital bag several times, both times! I was constantly adding things in then thinking "Will I really need this? Will I need this many pairs of pants?!" The answer is yes, you will need 6 pairs of pants, at least.

Here I have a list of my personal hospital bag must-haves!


1. Lots of Big, Comfy Pants

On the subject of pants, you will want to take plenty with you! There's a lot of bleeding postpartum and although you'll more than likely be wearing a mini mattress inside them; you'll probably leak due to all the sitting, lying and awkward fidgeting around those hospital beds! Make sure they're not too tight so they don't irritate, and on the off-chance you may end up having a cesarean section you don't want anything that will sit on your scar.

2. Slippers

I didn't think I'd need slippers, really. I packed comfy socks and just thought "I'll pop my shoes on if I want to walk around!" After I was all settled on the ward for induction the nurse told me I couldn't walk around without shoes or slippers on at all, and it was such a struggle to tie up my laces while I was contracting frequently let me tell you! I absolutely wish I had packed some slippers or sandals instead. I was pacing around the ward at 1am for a few hours to help through the pain and I definitely could have had something more comfortable on my feet to help!

3. Muslin Cloths

Newborn babies tend to be very sicky for the first week at least while they try to clear all the mucus and fluid from their little lungs & tummies, so you'll need plenty of muslin cloths to mop it all up! I only took two with me and they were both covered with baby sick within the first few hours, so I ended up going through all of her babygrows, vests 7 bibs within the first day in hospital as the puke just kept on coming and covering everything!

4. Snacks

Being up all hours in hospital barely sleeping at all you will need anything you can to keep your sugars & energy levels up! Hospital food is notorious for not being the best, and portions can be quite small so make sure you pack yourself some quick, easy snacks. Crackers, cereal bars, nuts & dried fruits are good options. I'd also recommend a little packet of biscuits to go with your cuppas!

5. Painkillers

The nurse attendants can be very busy, and you might arrive on the ward in the middle of the night so being able to get pain relief when you need it can be tricky. Sometimes you'll ask for it, but have to wait until the Dr approves you to have some - and we all know how busy the Doctor on duty can get! You may want to pack a little strip of paracetamol or ibuprofen so you always have it to hand when you feel you need some.

6. Your Own Pillow

I took my own pillow from my bed when I was in hospital having both of my children. I felt a lot more comfortable and had that familiar smell, which was relaxing & helped me drift off to sleep after baby was born too. It also helps to familiarise your new baby with smells from home, to help the transition from the sterile hospital ward to your nice cosy bedroom.

7. Make-up Remover

A packet of make-up remover wipes will be a life-saver in the labour room! Especially if you labour spontaneously. I remember a midwife frantically trying to wipe my eyes with a tissue in between my contractions and just smearing black stains all over my face. Not the best look for those snuggly just born photos with your baby!

8. Plastic Carrier Bag

Make sure to pack a plastic carrier bag to put your dirty clothes into so the muck doesn't spread to your clean items whilst you're living out your bag in hospital! You might want to take one for generally dirty clothes, one for sick-covered clothes and a separate one for clothes with blood on, just in case these get stained!


I'd also recommend leaving a little bag at home with spare clothes for yourself and baby, along with extra maternity & breast pads, just in case you end up staying in hospital for longer than planned or run out! This makes life much easier than trying to explain to your partner where to find all the bits you are after and run the risk of items being forgotten!

Are there any hospital bag essentials you wouldn't recommend going without? Or any items you wish you had taken? Leave a comment below to make sure all pregnant mothers are well-prepared!

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